Monday, June 14, 2010

recording with Mr.S.....hear what he thinks about teenagers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Are Teens Really The Main Ones To Blame?

okay so yesterday in my last period english class, i was reading these articles about teens who are locked up and how they claim there life style had also effected the things that have seen. i read about five articles from 5 different people and it made me really think about things that cause teens to behave in a certain way. just about all of the teenage prisoners was serving time in a adult jail house and that is not fair. majority of the teens had grew up in abusive homes and was placed in foster care because they was not being raised right. they had been moved to more than one foster home. many teenagers go threw problems like depression, dating violence, anger, suicidal thoughts, sexual health, bullying,peer pressure, stress, risk taking and many more. teens like this hold in there anger but will eventually crack. teen lose respect for police because they will just pull anyone over and search them. a fews years back a massive group of teens and adult ( about 50 people) was on there way to fellow friend's funeral when they was stop by cops. more 30 people was arrested. this was because the authorities believe that was going to disturb the funeral and lash out with gang violence. they was charged with unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct. these kid did absolutely nothing and they was taken advantage of because they did not know what the laws where. according to sats from 2009, about 575,304 teenagers was stopped because they looked suspicious. majority of them (54%) was black and latino (31%) and 88% was released because there was not no evidence of wrong doing. now who is really to blame?